Freight damage is a huge problem for shippers and receivers. It can cost you time, money, and reputation. But there are ways to avoid freight damage at your company!
Package Correctly
You will want to package your items the correct way if you are shipping them. The best thing is to use a box that’s sturdy enough so it won’t get damaged during shipment. Do not use the old box or the reused box. Having the correct package is the first step.
Create a Transportation Planning
A full Transportation planning is needed. Freight is the logistics of transporting goods from one place to another. How much freight you need to move depends on where your goods are coming from and where they’re going. Ideally, shippers should plan their freight in advance and purchase a product that’s right for them, according to the distance it needs to be shipped and the size of the shipment. This blog will help you understand how to create an effective freight plan that ensures nothing goes wrong with your delivery. If you are shipping something, make sure that the shipper knows the package is fragile. Having a note or sticker on your box will help to make sure that they know what’s inside.

Use Shockwatch
You will want to use a shockwatch if you are shipping an item that could be damaged by impact. This is the second step. Freight damage is a common problem for companies shipping goods. Shock indicators, which are often found in the form of stickers on boxes or packages that have been handled roughly during transit, can help you detect whether your shipment has experienced any type of freight-related issue. If the indicator turns red, you will know that the package has received some type of impact.
Load the Trailer Properly
Loading a trailer properly is crucial to avoid damage and ensure the load will not shift. The first thing you should do when loading a trailer is to make sure that there are no objects protruding from the top of the load. If your cargo has protrusions, it may cause damage on contact with other items in transit or affect how well it can be secured. Next, place any heavy items near the center of the trailer so they don’t become unbalanced during transport. Finally, arrange your lighter or smaller packages around these heavier ones for balance purposes and get them as close together as possible without risking damage to either package or container.
Label Everything
Label everything from the outside of your boxes to the inside. Make sure that anyone who handles them knows what they are handling and where it came from. This will help avoid any kind of problems down the line. You never know when someone is going to need assistance in recognizing an item or a package as coming from you. The last thing you want is for someone else to claim responsibility for something that doesn’t belong to them because they weren’t able to identify it was yours based on labeling alone.

Conclusion: Keep Your Items Safe From Damage In Storage And Transit.
Freight is a serious part of your business, and you need to make sure it’s packaged correctly for the journey. If you are shipping something fragile or expensive, use Shockwatch to help you reduce less damage. Create a freight plan ahead of time so that everything goes smoothly when your shipment arrives at its destination-and don’t forget to label every package! You’ll find these 5 tips are helpful in avoiding damage costs and delays caused by lost items during transit.